Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were carried out on water and sediment samples from\r\nRuguti River in Meru South, to ascertain the water quality. The mean of the results obtained were\r\ncompared with WHO (2011) standards for drinking water .The physicochemical parameters such as\r\ntemperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total alkalinity, total hardness, sulphates,\r\nchlorides, fluorides were in compliance with the WHO (2011) standards. Turbidity, nitrite and nitrates\r\nlevels were above WHO (2011) standards. The concentration of phosphorous was below detection limit\r\nof the analytical method used. The mean values for all trace metals at all the sampling sites of the water\r\nsamples were below the WHO (2011) standards for drinking water except Fe, Mn and Al. The results of\r\nsediment samples indicates that silicate, iron, calcium and aluminium are present in major quantities\r\nwhile other minerals are present in trace amounts. Sediments has lower carbonaceous matter and\r\nhigher mineral contents. The concentration of the Cd in the sediment was below its detection limit.\r\nTotal coliform bacteria/100 ml are greater than 2420 while E. coli/100 ml varied from 1203 to 1986. These\r\nresults reveal that the Ruguti River is contaminated and use of the water for domestic purposes by the\r\ninhabitants could lead to hazardous side effects